[Qgis-user] QGIS 1.7 - no grass setup request

Sam Vekemans acrosscanadatrails at gmail.com
Mon Apr 11 12:51:00 PDT 2011

Hi, I'm wondering 2 things.

1 - Is it posssable to include a download link on the
http://www.qgis.org/wiki/Download page, so then users can download all
previous versions.  .. rather than having user dig for it  here
http://download.osgeo.org/qgis/ which is a maze of directories.
(for those people like me who want to use QGIS but the program does not
uninstall correctly, especially when the variation versions from the osgeo
website were downloaded.  .. .having 2 separate locations for this download,
both being 'official' doesn't really make sence.

2 - it is possible to include a 'no-grass setup'  or simply hide the fact
that grass (the background program) is installed.  Or have it as an option
during the setup process. .. so those who want to have a larger program can
choose to download it.  And for those who want a 'lite' version, can simply
do so.

This will avoid the problems when trying to uninstall... as it is only 1
complete program that users need to install.

In many programs. there is the option to include a prompt for 'Advanced'
'Custom' 'basic' and 'complete' setup.

I wish i was a programmer so i could submit a patch... to fix this, so this
is why im simply requesting, and hoping that it can happen sometime
eventually :)


Across Canada Trails - Beyond 2017 - The National Trails Network
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