[Qgis-user] Qgis Python plig-in. How can I change the nesting of groups?

Marco Bernasocchi marco at bernawebdesign.ch
Thu Apr 21 01:21:35 PDT 2011

ciao Marco

On 04/20/2011 02:05 PM, Marco Bernasocchi wrote:
> Hi Bernhard, I just wrote a patch for trunk to make this functionality
> available to python. it has not been applied yet [1] but it probably
> will soon.
> after that, you need to do the following (please note that nesting as
> well as deleting nested groups is only supported at top level groups for
> now):
> legend = self.iface.legendInterface()
> pG = legend.addGroup("parent", False )
> c1 = legend.addGroup("child", False, pG )
> c2 = legend.addGroup("child", False, pG )
> legend.addGroup("child", False, c2 ) #this creates a top level group
> since multiple nesting is not supported yet
> I hope it helps
> ciao
> MArco
> [1] https://trac.osgeo.org/qgis/ticket/3263
> On 04/19/2011 07:34 AM, Bernhard.Stroebl at jena.de wrote:
>> Dear Marco (or anybody),
>> sorry to pick up this thread again. Could you give an example on how to
>> use QgsLegendInterface.addGroup() with a parent?
>> If I want my new Group to be nested in let's say "GroupA" I would need
>> GroupA's QTreeWidgetItem. How can I access it in the first place?
>> regards
>> Bernhard
>> on April 5th you wrote:
>>> In 1.6 is not possible yet, i patched trunk 2-3 weeks ago. Now when
>>> you create a new group you can pass a parent element Where the group
>>> will be nested.
>>> Hope it helps
>>> Ciao
>>> Marco Bernasocchi (mobile)
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Marco Bernasocchi
skype: mbernasocchi

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