[Qgis-user] newbie question: grouping polygons in a shapefile

Hinkle, CJon CJon.Hinkle at health.mo.gov
Wed Apr 27 07:51:18 PDT 2011

I'm so new at this, I'm not even sure I'm asking the right question, but here goes.  I have a shapefile that is my state, divided into counties.  I want to divide the counties into Districts and color each district a different color.  The original data table contains the information on each county, but does not contain the District information.  I have a different table that contains the county name (identical to the original table) and the District designation (A, B, C etc)

I can't find a way to import the second table into the project and sync it with the first, so I can then color District A red and District B green etc.

I've read thru the user guide and thru a couple of months' worth of this user group, but haven't found the answer.  I'm looking for "QGIS 4 Dummies", I guess.  Could somebody steer me in the right direction, please?

Thanks, CJon

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