[Qgis-user] Beginner: scanned and georeferenced map looks stretched

Brett Adams badams at spinifexgeophysics.com.au
Mon Aug 1 00:59:57 PDT 2011


Does your image have square pixels?  I've had that exact issue before 
when the dimension of the pixels is not identical.

On 1/08/2011 3:52 PM, Jean-Claude Repetto wrote:
> Le 29/07/2011 18:49, Magnus Ekhall a écrit :
>> I'm a beginner with qgis and need some help.
>> I've scanned a map and georeferenced it using the plugin.
>> When it appears in qgis it looks stretched: about double as wide as 
>> on paper.
>> However, the coordinates are correct. I can load a gpx-file into a
>> vector layer, and it gets overlaid on the correct parts of the raster
>> map.
>> Is there a way to change horizontal and/or vertical scale on the screen?
>> I think the reason might be (please correct me if I'm wrong) that the
>> paper map is originally in SWEREF99, but I georeferenced in using
>> points of WGS84...
>> I tried to georeference it in SWEREF99 directly, but then the gpx
>> tracks would load to completely different areas.
> Hi Magnus,
> Please post here the first two lines of the xxxx.points file created 
> by the georeferencer plugin. Example :
> mapX    mapY    pixelX    pixelY
> 710000.000000000000000    3790000.000000000000000    
> 12.135739115245720 -126.439544917478983
> Jean-Claude
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Brett Adams
Spinifex Geophysics <http://www.spinifexgeophysics.com.au/>
0438 861 974
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