[Qgis-user] World File for map compositions

Markus Weidenbach landconsult at freenet.de
Mon Aug 15 12:17:54 PDT 2011

Hi Brent,

thanks for your advice. I will try both, (a) manipulating and using the 
world file of the image I am saving outside the map composer and (b) the 
geo-referencing of the maps with the geo-ref. tools in QGIS.
Since I am producing a series of 4-6 different thematic maps on each 
area of interest, I was hoping to find a more efficient way to 
geo-reference the maps, but on the other hand, because the maps series 
is always using the identical map template, a commonly used world file 
might be a feasible way to solve the problem .....
I´ll find it out.


Dr. Markus Weidenbach
Geographical Information Management
and Environmental Planning
D-77773 Schenkenzell
e.mail see: http://landConsult.de

Am 13.08.2011 23:54, schrieb pcreso at pcreso.com:
> Hi Markus,
> If you choose "File -> Save as Image", then save as a PNG, for 
> example, the on screen image is saved, along with the world file 
> allowing it to be reused.
> Note that the file suffix pngw will be used, not wld or pgw for the 
> world file.
> However, I'm not aware of this being directly supported from the map 
> composer, but there are a couple of ways of doing this that might work 
> for you.
> You could use the georeferencing tool to generate a world file from a 
> saved map composer image, but this can be a bit fiddly, although a 
> useful exercise for students in its own right..
> You could also use an image processing tool to convert a composer 
> image to the same pixel geometry as a saved map window, in which case 
> the world file would also apply to it, or perhaps double the x & y 
> pixel counts (for better resolution) and halve the pixel offset values 
> in the world file. For this to work you'd need to have all the map 
> composer elements overlaying the actual map (if this is possible), 
> rather than outside the map, and therefore extending the apparent 
> image extent.
> Cheers
> Brent Wood
> --- On *Sun, 8/14/11, Markus Weidenbach /<landconsult at freenet.de>/* wrote:
>     From: Markus Weidenbach <landconsult at freenet.de>
>     Subject: [Qgis-user] World File for map compositions
>     To: qgis-user at lists.osgeo.org
>     Date: Sunday, August 14, 2011, 6:57 AM
>     Dear list,
>     is there a way to save a world file together with an image of a
>     completely designed map in the map composer?
>     The idea is to provide less experienced GIS users with a
>     geo-referenced raster image (or pdf) of a complex map composition
>     including an explaining legend, scale bar, north arrow and
>     pre-defined layers in a specific order and layout. Such an image
>     could easily be used by GIS beginners to visualize complex
>     thematic issues and even add further layers or do some area/length
>     measurements.
>     Any hints and ideas how this could be managed are welcome.
>     Regards,
>     Markus
>     -- 
>     Dr. Markus Weidenbach
>     *landConsult.de*
>     Geographical Information Management
>     and Environmental Planning
>     D-77773 Schenkenzell
>     Germany
>     e.mail see: http://landConsult.de
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