[Qgis-user] compile 1.8 with internal qwtpolar error

Möri Cedric Cedric.Moeri at bd.so.ch
Tue Aug 16 08:28:59 PDT 2011

Hi all!

I'm trying to compile the trunk from git with WITH_INTERNAL_QWTPOLAR ON.

Running Make leads to the following error:

Quantum-GIS/src/app/gps/qwtpolar-1.0/qwt_polar_item.h:15:26: qwt_interval.h: File or directory not found

So I guess, that this header-file is missing :-D Any chance to get it in the source to be able to use the internal qwtpolar again?

I'm running on RH AS4, with QT 4.5.2 and python 2.5.


mit freundlichen Grüssen

Cédric Möri
Leiter SO!GIS Koordination

Kanton Solothurn
Bau- und Justizdepartement
Amt für Geoinformation
Rötistrasse 4
4501 Solothurn

Telefon: +41 (0)32 627 24 75
Telefax: +41 (0)32 627 22 14
mailto:cedric.moeri at bd.so.ch

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