[Qgis-user] Export to ETRS-35TM-FIN (EPSG 3067) fails

Timo Metsänen timo.metsanen at birdlife.fi
Tue Aug 30 04:13:05 PDT 2011


I'm a new user for QGIS, but I thouhgt that I can do this: exporting 
coordinates to another.

Problem is that when I try to export coordinates (have tried from KKJ / 
Finland Uniform Coordinate System EPSG:2393 and WGS 84 EPSG:4326) to 
ETRS-35TM-FIN (EPSG 3067), shapefile gets value "EPSG:3047 - ETRS89 / 
ETRS-TM35". Close but not enough... I have also tried to change CRS 
again when saving, but same thing...

Does anyone have explanation to this or even better, solution?


Timo Metsänen, Finland

Timo Metsänen
Hankekoordinaattori – Project Coordinator
BirdLife Suomi - BirdLife Finland
Puh./Tel. +358 9 4135 3300
GSM/Mobile +358 445 484 625

BirdLife Suomi on lintujen suojelu- ja harrastusjärjestö,
joka edistää luonnon monimuotoisuuden säilymistä.

BirdLife Suomi on osa BirdLife International -järjestöä,
joka on maailman suurin ympäristöjärjestöjen verkosto.

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