[Qgis-user] Editing Numbers in Graduated Symbol Classification

Julia R. Charvat Julia.Charvat at gatewayrehab.org
Wed Dec 14 07:59:37 PST 2011

Hello all,

Do you know if it is possible to change the appearance of the numbers either initially in the Properties\Style tab (Graduated Symbol Classification) or later in the Print Composer/Legend editing box so that the classification numbers read (for example) 1-10 rather than 1.0000 - 10.0000? It would be nice to give the legend a "clean" look without all of the extraneous 0's.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Julia Charvat
Project Management Assistant
Gateway Rehab
Corporate Headquarters
311 Rouser Road
Moon Twp., PA 15108
p: 412.604.8900 x 1191
c: 724.683.9047
f: 412.299.8751

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