[Qgis-user] Projection problem in QGIS 1.7.2 between EPSG 31370 and EPSG:3035

Giovanni Manghi giovanni.manghi at faunalia.pt
Sat Dec 24 08:22:35 PST 2011

> In fact, when the CRS is set in project properties TO EPSG: 3035, both 
> shapefiles match as Giovanni noticed it. But when the project-wide CRS 
> is set to EPSG: 31370, the shift appears.

> If you want to have a try, here are the links to the freely donwloadable 
> shapefiles:
>        - belgian (Walloon Region) Natura 2000 limits:
> http://environnement.wallonie.be/cartosig/telechargement/NATURA2000_DIFFUSION_BASE_MARS2010.zip 

QGIS doesn't match this layers exactly with epsg 31370. If you use the
custom CRS it created when you load the layer, then there is no shift.


-- Giovanni --

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