[Qgis-user] GRASS v.proj problem

Richard Plant replant at ucdavis.edu
Fri Dec 30 11:25:27 PST 2011

After a couple of years away from QGIS, I decided to update the tutorial on my website, http://www.plantsciences.ucdavis.edu/plant/qgislabs.htm. I didn't get far before I encountered what seems to be a bug. In Lab 2, which deals with projections, the reader uses the GRASS function v.proj to change a projection. This function reprojects a GRASS vector layer from a different mapset into the current mapset. In QGIS version 0.8, on which the lab is based, the user typed the input layer name into the function window, but in the current version the user must select the layer, requiring that the input mapset be loaded, rather than the output mapset. Therefore the layer gets created in the input mapset, meaning that its projection doesn't change. As I said, I have been "out of the loop" for a couple of years, so maybe this has already come up and there is a known way to deal with it. If so, I apologize. Can anyone enlighten me?

Richard Plant
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