[Qgis-user] Repository for TimeManager plugin in Python plugin installer (qgis 1.7.3)?

Borys Jurgiel lists at borysjurgiel.pl
Sat Dec 31 05:00:03 PST 2011

Dnia piątek, 30 grudnia 2011 o 13:23:37 Agustin Lobo napisał(a):
> Yes! Thanks, it looks great.
> Few caveats regarding the repos:
> 1. Should I expect any kind of conflict between plugins in
> http://pyqgis.org/repo/contributed
> and those in
> http://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/plugins.xml
> ?

No. If a plugin is placed in both repositories (in the same version, with the 
same QGIS requirements etc), Installer will display it only once. Let me use 
an example: currently there is about 30 plugins in the new repo, however your 
installer can show only a dozen of them. Don't worry, the rest is still on the 
list, just assigned to the old one.

> 2. When I select "Add Contributed Repositories",
> the repo http://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/plugins.xml
> is not added. Is there any reason for this? Otherwise, could this repo
> be added by clicking the button?

The new repo is official, not contributed, so in Qgis 1,8 and master it's added 
automagically without clicking the button. Regarding to de discussion on qgis-
developer, I'll release an installer update for older Qgises.

> 3. Could the address of the repo
> (http://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/plugins.xml) be prominently stated in
> http://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/?

The http://plugins.qgis.org/plugins is for humans and I believe this one is 
more important to be simple. And it's rather impossible to merge the two 
things into one because of paging, searching etc.

Btw. there was a bug in master that was adding that url to Installer, but 
newer versions should automatically replace it with the correct version.

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