[Qgis-user] Merge rasterfile

Paolo Cavallini cavallini at faunalia.it
Tue Feb 1 23:05:55 PST 2011

Il giorno mer, 02/02/2011 alle 09.00 +0200, Micha Silver ha scritto:

> > I am looking for a way to merge 4 raster files to one. I want to run the R.watershed GRASS script to generate watersheds from a DEM layer. I have the DEMs, but they are divided so that I get a cross of four different DEMs through the watersheds. If I could merge the rasterfiles to one this problem will be solved. But how?
> >
> GRASS has the r.patch module for merging rasters.

You can also use the Raster menu>Union.
All the best.

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