[Qgis-user] printing with google layers

Borys Jurgiel lists at borysjurgiel.pl
Thu Feb 10 03:10:44 PST 2011

Dnia czwartek 10 lutego 2011 o 09:58:32 maning sambale napisaƂ(a):
> This works for googlemaps.  What is the server url for google imagery?
> On Wed, Feb 9, 2011 at 10:50 PM, Borys Jurgiel <lists at borysjurgiel.pl> 
> > <ServerUrl>http://mt0.googleapis.com/vt?lyrs=m@144&x=${x}&y=${y}&
> > amp;z=${z}</ServerUrl>

I can only say what I can see in a web browser, surfing googlemaps. It seems 
there is one server for the imagery:


(of course x,y,z values has to be replaced with ${parameter}. I don't know 
what is v parameter)

and second one for the maps:


lyrs=m at 145 - full map
lyrs=h at 145 - map overlay for hybrid
lyrs=t at 126 - clean terrain
lyrs=t at 126,r at 145 - terrain + a label overlay

Again, I don't know what the numbers mean.

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