[Qgis-user] qgis-mapserver on Windows ignore my postgis and shapefile layers

Oliver Christen oliver.christen at camptocamp.com
Fri Feb 11 06:38:10 PST 2011

Hi list

Im having some teoubles with qgis-mapserver on Windows.

In my QGIS test project, I have 1 postgis layer, 2 shapefile layers (one 
point and one polygon) and 2 external wms layers.
I created the two shapefile layers directly inside QGIS.

I succeded to have the qgis_mapserv.fcgi.exe working correctly as cgi under 
Apaches, meaning I sucessfuly get an answer to a GetCapabilities, but the 
GetCapabilities result doesnt contains any of the postgis or shapefile based 
layers within my qgis project. I only see the 2 external wms layers in the 

I get this behaviour with both the qgis_mapserv.fcgi.exe packaged with the 
QGIS 1.6.0 and the one I compiled using the QGIS 1.7.0  (trunk) sources.

The shapefiles are currently located at the same place as the QGIS project 
in my apache/cgi-bin/ folder.
If I open the project in QGIS, the postgis and shapefiles layers are 
displayed ok, without any path error message.

(The project is the same I used on Linux, but I had to correct the path to 
the shapefiles as they seems to be stored as absolut path in the QGIS 
project and obviously the apache cgi-bin folder is not at the same place on 
both OS)

Any idea why the postgis and shapefile layers are ignored?

thanks in advance
best regards

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