[Qgis-user] QGIS compiling problem sqlite3

Alessandro Sarretta alessandro.sarretta at inwind.it
Tue Feb 15 23:54:51 PST 2011

Hi Paolo,

On 13/02/11 21:40, Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> Why not using the usual route, via ccmake?
I'm following the procedure here 
is it not the usual one?

3.7. Starting the compile


I compile my development version of QGIS into my ~/apps directory to avoid

conflicts with Ubuntu packages that may be under /usr. This way for example

you can use the binary packages of QGIS on your system along side with your

development version. I suggest you do something similar:

   mkdir -p ${HOME}/apps

Now we create a build directory and run ccmake:

   cd qgis

   mkdir build

   cd build

   ccmake ..

When you run ccmake (note the .. is required!), a menu will appear where

you can configure various aspects of the build. If you do not have root

access or do not want to overwrite existing QGIS installs (by your

packagemanager for example), set the CMAKE_BUILD_PREFIX to somewhere you

have write access to (I usually use /home/timlinux/apps). Now press

'c' to configure, 'e' to dismiss any error messages that may appear.

and 'g' to generate the make files. Note that sometimes 'c' needs to

be pressed several times before the 'g' option becomes available.

After the 'g' generation is complete, press 'q' to exit the ccmake

interactive dialog.

Now on with the build:


   make install

> Il giorno dom, 13/02/2011 alle 21.30 +0100, Alessandro Sarretta ha
> scritto:
>> Hi QGIS list,
>> I'm trying to compile QGIS from source as I did some months ago without
>> problems. I'm working in Ubuntu 10.10.
>> This time after the "make" command I receive this message:

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