[Qgis-user] Multiple Layer Management

Matej Serc mailing at tam.si
Sun Jun 5 07:51:03 PDT 2011

Hi Giovanni,

Thank you for the answer, this is very good news :-)

BR, Matej

2011/6/5 Giovanni Manghi <giovanni.manghi at gmail.com>

> Hi,
> > We are missing a feature in QGIS which would allow multiple layers to
> > be "moved" into a newly generated group. Currently you can select
> > multiple layers but you can "move" them one by one into the new
> > group.
> this option is already available. At least it works in qgis 1.7, I don't
> remember if it worked already in 1.6.
> 1.7 is anyway soon to be released.
> > Another very useful functionality would be to be able to change same
> > common attribute of all the selected layers at the same time - for
> > example, changing the Transparency of all the selected Raster layers
> > at the same time.
> This is true for the new symbology (in the old symbology it is possible)
> and as matter of fact one of those features that makes the new symbology
> still uncompleted. I believe there is already a ticket open in the
> tracker.
> Cheers
> -- Giovanni --
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