[Qgis-user] QGIS 1.7.0 and Waypoint Symbols
Sam Vekemans
acrosscanadatrails at gmail.com
Wed Jun 8 19:39:33 PDT 2011
It appears that with polish-mp there is a version available with
tag-matching (polish-mp is the step before making garmin IMG maps & Icons)
and from mkgmap it appears that the cyclemap version is available
from http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Mkgmap/help/custom
So it looks like there are options & some work for me todo :)
I dont' want to tie up the list anymore... so if anyone is already working
on this aspect of qgis, please contact me, i'm happy to help :)
On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 7:23 PM, Sam Vekemans
<acrosscanadatrails at gmail.com>wrote:
> Hi,
> Regarding GPX waypoint files (I assume Garmin GPS?)
> I have a OpenSource spreadsheet (that everyone is free to edit) where i
> post exactly which point features line up with the appropriate features from
> geonames & Garmin MapSource & device codes
> https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Am70fsptsPF2dGdSaEwwTUx5eGtzSFdPbmZPQlpBTEE&hl=en_US
> I also have created 'Open Map Features' where i look at various external
> datasets and try and align them into a common System of features. This
> chart is also Open Access Editing
> https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Am70fsptsPF2dENGRWNOQ3lmeU5UbWlORFZTZFpvRWc&hl=en_US
> And finally, I have created the OSM Map Features Catelogue, where i'm
> examining and cross-referencing JOSM/Potlatch2/osm-wiki and the mapnik
> rendering of all of the OSM map features.
> https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Am70fsptsPF2dHJxMG05Zmg2YS1LeFg2czRZOWZEU3c&hl=en_US
> I do have full intention on Purging this data together (linking the
> appropriate Garmin Map feature with the OSM-tags, based on the Common tags
> which are in OpenStreetMap.
> ... as these Tags will be used for the CommonMap Feature Catelogue (as a
> way to unify the OSM-tagging ever- changing schema
> ...
> Is there any way that I can see the qgis pre-sets list??? I could then
> include this information in the spreadsheets, as this would be of great
> help.
> (As others might remember, from my previous posts to this list I still dont
> have qgis 6.0 installed on my computer due to the Library file error (where
> the install routeen looks at previous versions which were not fully
> un-installed)... and I don't have Ubuntu installed.. So can only use Qgis
> 4.0.
> ... once i get a new computer, i'll be able to begin working with this
> awesome software :)
> cheers,
> Sam
> PS.
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Osm2mp
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/OSM_Map_On_Garmin/QLandkarte
> Are all great resources & the later looks like it's the best
> and here's the breakdown
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/OSM_Map_On_Garmin
> On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 6:40 PM, Harry G McGavran Jr <w5pny at w5pny.com>wrote:
>> I've been watching for 1.7.0 to get packaged for
>> distribution and noticed that the source tarball
>> package finally showed up on www.qgis.org.
>> So I tried it and what I've seen is very nice.
>> I was looking around to see if there is any way
>> to get 1.7.0 to pay attention to the XML "sym"
>> tags in gpx waypoint files. With the ability
>> to add symbol svg files in paths I specify that
>> is in 1.7.0 I can load symbols that correspond the
>> the names specified in the "sym" tags. Is there
>> a way to get QGIS to use those? Generally,
>> each waypoint in such a gpx file uses different "sym"
>> tags depending on the waypoint. It would be very nice
>> to have QGIS render the right images for each of
>> those waypoints that are in one gpx waypoint file
>> given that I have made svg files for those symbols.
>> Is this possible and if so how? I've looked around
>> for this in the help and on line, but haven't found
>> a way yet.
>> Harry McGavran
>> --
>> Harry G. McGavran, Jr.
>> E-mail: w5pny at w5pny.com
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