[Qgis-user] python error in opening
Marco Bernasocchi
marco at bernawebdesign.ch
Thu Jun 9 01:31:57 PDT 2011
It should be in the error windows that says there has been an error. or
if you start qgis from a console in the console as well.
On 06/09/2011 10:12 AM, ahmet temiz wrote:
> hello
> how can I get it
> 09 Haziran 2011 11:06 tarihinde Camilo Polymeris<cpolymeris at gmail.com> yazdı:
>> Could you post the whole python backtrace to see where the error originates?
>> Regards
>> Camilo
>> El jun 9, 2011 2:17 a.m., "ahmet temiz"<ahmettemiz88 at gmail.com> escribió:
>>> hello
>>> I am getting a python error message at opening of QGIS 1.7 and
>>> gdal requiring modules are not working.
>>> here is the part of the error message:
>>> Couldn't load plugin GdalTools due an error when
>>> calling its classFactory() method
>>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>>> Python version:
>>> 2.6.6 (r266:84292, Sep 15 2010, 16:02:57)
>>> [GCC 4.4.5]
>>> QGIS version:
>>> 1.7.0-Wroclaw Wroclaw, 15677M
>>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>>> what do I have to do ?
>>> regards
>>> --
>>> Ahmet Temiz
>>> Jeoloji Müh.
>>> Afet ve Acil Durum Yönetimi Başkanlığı
>>> Planlama ve Zarar Azaltma Dairesi Başkanlığı
>>> Bilgi ve CBS grubu
>>> Eskişehir Yolu 10. km.
>>> Lodumlu / Ankara
>>> Tel : 0 312 2872680 / 1535
>>> ________________________
>>> Ahmet Temiz
>>> Geological Eng.
>>> Information Systems - GIS Group
>>> Disaster and Emergency Management
>>> of Presidency
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