[Qgis-user] Positive Comparison of ArcGIS vs QGIS

pcreso at pcreso.com pcreso at pcreso.com
Fri Jun 10 17:55:55 PDT 2011

Try any commercial RDBMS...publishing  benchmarks is pretty much always prevented by the licence. With some justification - there are  lies, damn lies & benchmarks :-)

Brent Wood

--- On Sat, 6/11/11, Mars Sjoden <aurorageomatics at gmail.com> wrote:

From: Mars Sjoden <aurorageomatics at gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [Qgis-user] Positive Comparison of ArcGIS vs QGIS
To: "Saber Razmjooei" <razmjooeis at faunalia.co.uk>
Cc: "qgis-user" <qgis-user at lists.osgeo.org>
Date: Saturday, June 11, 2011, 9:26 AM

Hmm, yes ArcGIS tends to be a 'pig' on geoprocessing tasks.
I did not know about the ArcGIS EULA which includes limitations on freedom of speech.
Kinda makes you wonder...

QGIS 2 - ArcGIS - 0

On Fri, Jun 10, 2011 at 12:56 PM, Saber Razmjooei <razmjooeis at faunalia.co.uk> wrote:

Great results....in an unfair contest. My netbook has got more power in

it than his QGIS laptop. Plus ... QGIS 1.4 vs. ArcGIS 10!!!!!!!!

I was always interested in seeing some benchmark results for some of the

functions in ESRI products and QGIS/GRASS. But after a bit of a research

I did in the past, I found out as a part of their EULA (not sure if they

have changed it for ArcGIS 10) you are not allowed to publish your

benchmark test runs results!!

On Fri, 2011-06-10 at 12:05 -0700, Mars Sjoden wrote:

> Always good to hear some good news, not just for users but for the

> Dev's, packagers and other hard workers putting energy into the QGIS

> project.



> Don Meltz wrote a little blog post comparing CLIP processing of a

> large Contour Line Dataset between ArcGIS and QGIS.



> check it out here: bit.ly/iM8pi3



> Pass it along!



> Mars

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