[Qgis-user] Georeferencer 3.1.9 bug (?) and work-around

O mondifero at gmail.com
Fri Jun 24 15:38:32 PDT 2011

Hi QGIS users,

I contacted the author and he confirmed the problem: you can't georeference
image that already has geospatial meta data.  The easiest thing to do
than what I described) is to simply strip off the metadata.  For example, if
your raster is "raster.tif", you can use gdal to easily remove the meta-data
create a new file "raster_clean.tif" as follows:

gdal_translate -co PROFILE=BASELINE raster.tif raster_clean.tif

Now load "raster_clean.tif" into the Georeferencer, and you should be fine.
urged the author to include some kind of warning to users whenever they load
image that already has metadata.


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