[Qgis-user] Re: Projection of Shapefile export

Matt Boyd mattslists at gmail.com
Wed Mar 16 22:04:39 PDT 2011

Has there been any progress on this in the osgeo installer? I just
installed qgis on a windows 7 machine and I think I'm getting a


On Wed, Oct 6, 2010 at 10:21 AM, Brett Adams
<badams at spinifexgeophysics.com.au> wrote:
> That's unfortunate. Good to know its repeatable.  At least the problem has
> been isolated and we know what's required to get it fixed (or so I think).
> Time to find some professional help. I'll keep you informed.
> Brett
> On 5/10/2010 11:36 AM, Roland Hill wrote:
> Brett,
> I am using Linux and from a previous email I think Ken is as well. Yes, it
> is working on my Linux system.
> I tried installing QGIS onto a Windows 7 system using both the Standalone
> and OsGeo installers. In both cases I couldn't get it to work correctly. The
> standalone installer version placed AGD66 and GDA94 versions of my test
> point 11m apart when it should be more like 200m. The OsGeo version just
> refused to display the AGD66 point.
> I am not sure where to go with it on Windows. I haven't used it for a long
> time. Maybe someone more familiar with the Windows setup can help.
> Cheers,
> Roland
> --
> Director
> Four Winds Technology Pty Ltd
> Ph/Fax :  +61 (0)2 6366 9425
> Mobile :  +61 (0)41 880 7472
> Roland.Hill at fourwindstechnology.com.au
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> On 04/10/10 17:06, Brett Adams wrote:
> Roland / Ken,
> Sorry to disappear like that. Got called into the dessert for a few days.
> I tried loading these new files up but can't get them to work. All three
> projections are now plotting in exactly the same place.
> Ran a search on the QGIS directory and replaced the AGD84 / AGD66 gsb files
> with the new ones. Also replaced the srs.db file.
> I'm assuming you both got this to work. Am I missing a step?
> Brett
> On 24/09/2010 7:25 PM, Roland Hill wrote:
> Ken / Brett,
> The only thing we know for certain is that we are all out of our depths!
> Regardless, I think we are on the way to solving this.
> Please find a new srs.db here http://dl.dropbox.com/u/9546967/srs.db. The
> new file incorporates both towgs84 parameters and a reference to the
> distortion files. The distortion file values appear to take precedence, but
> I have included the towgs84 parameters as it looks like the AGD84 distortion
> files do not cover the states and territories that did not adopt AGD84. Note
> that I have changed the AGD66 towgs84 parameters to national ones
> (previously ACT) according to this document (page 31)
> http://www.icsm.gov.au/gda/gdatm/gdav2.3.pdf.
> To use the distortion files you need to place these files
> http://dl.dropbox.com/u/9546967/agd66.gsb
> http://dl.dropbox.com/u/9546967/agd84.gsb in your Proj data directory
> (/usr/share/proj on Linux). It is the directory containing the 'epsg' and
> 'proj_def.dat' files. Make sure that this is the directory your Proj
> installation is actually using by checking the contents of the PROJ_LIB
> environment variable (echo $PROJ_LIB). It may not be set, which is OK. It
> took me about 4 hours to figure out I had set it to an old development
> directory several years ago!
> Note that I did try it without the +wktext parameter. It works in Proj
> (using cs2cs), but QGIS needs it.
> Let me know how it goes on your test points.
> Cheers,
> Roland
> --
> Director
> Four Winds Technology Pty Ltd
> Ph/Fax :  +61 (0)2 6366 9425
> Mobile :  +61 (0)41 880 7472
> Roland.Hill at fourwindstechnology.com.au
> Privacy and Confidentiality Notice
> The information contained herein and any attachments are intended solely for
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> you are not an intended recipient, please delete the message and any
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> of the contents of either is unauthorised and may be unlawful. All liability
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> On 24/09/10 07:27, Ken Norris wrote:
> Roland,
> I incorporated your srs.db but the translation falls about 30m short (in
> Melbourne) and about the same distance out at a control point in southern
> Tasmania.
> I see you use the National parameters that '... have an estimated accuracy
> of about 1 metre.' and are most accurate around Canberra (surprise).
> Geoscience recommend use of their distortion tables (xxx.gsb) for more
> accurate work Australia-wide.
> Can you incorporate the parameter reference to the distortion tables in the
> srs.db? I, like Brett, am out of my depth here.
> Regards
> Ken
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> Brett Adams
> Spinifex Geophysics
> 0438 861 974
> SKYPE:brettadams_spinifex
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