[Qgis-user] QGis/Grass - slow Vector export

Paolo Cavallini cavallini at faunalia.it
Mon Mar 21 10:16:43 PDT 2011

Il giorno lun, 21/03/2011 alle 11.33 +0100, Thomas Wahlmüller ha

> I am exporting vector features with v.out.ogr. I tried with QGIS via
> Plugin and with GRASS. My Dataset is a point-feature with more than 1
> million points with height attribute.
> Exporting to shape is realy slow - 1 day ~ 30% exported
> I also tried to export with v.out.ascii. In this case export also slow
> with output of heigt-attribute. Output was fast without attribute
> information. So it seems to me - accessing attribute data in grass slows
> down the process...

Have you tried by simply "Save as.."?

> By the way: I needed to convert a Raster to Point, because I had
> Artefacts (stripes of lower height-value) after reprojection with GDAL.
> Are there any other solutions?


All the best.

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