[Qgis-user] Enhanced labels in 1.7.0
Andreas Neumann
a.neumann at carto.net
Fri Mar 25 06:55:55 PDT 2011
Some options (the horizontal and vertical alignment, maybe also
rotation) only works after you assigned a x/y coordinate data column.
QGIS needs to know from which point it needs to offset and rotate - with
automatic labeling this is not defined.
On Fri, 25 Mar 2011 11:21:42 -0000, Andrew Chapman wrote:
> Thanks for the feedback Andreas. I'll try just to use the "ABC" tool
> from
> now on - I realise that it is still in development, so my comments
> aren't
> criticism, just trying to understand how the tool is intended to work
> and
> where its development is at the moment.
> So for a point shapefile, starting with "Label this layer" checked
> and an
> appropriate attribute selected for "Field with labels", no buffering
> and "In
> map units" selected, I then get text displayed as I would expect. I
> can
> change font, colour and size. However, when I start to experiment
> further,
> things get a little more complicated. If I set the size to zero
> (limit case
> test) and then "Apply", there are no complaints about the value but
> the
> on-screen text doesn't change. If I exit the dialog and return, the
> last
> accepted value has returned, so this would seem to be a very minor
> bug.
> Playing around the limit, I found that 0.0001 map units works ok, so
> for my
> metric CRS this equates to a text height of 0.1 mm - I could even
> zoom in
> from the whole world to labels on individual PCB tracks in my PC at
> that!
> The next step was using "Data defined settings" with a more realistic
> range
> of sizes defined by attribute and the placement set as "over point".
> This
> generally worked as expected, except that the "Label settings->Size"
> value
> changes the vertical placement of the label, in my case by
> approximately 0.2
> * value - I had expected this control to do nothing in these
> circumstances.
> As an aside, I didn't really understand most of the settings on the
> "Advanced" tab, including the difference between "around point" and
> "over
> point".
> I tried the "Data defined. color" and it worked with the described
> #rrggbb
> where rr, gg, bb are two hex digits for colour. However, before
> getting your
> response I tried the simple text string "red". and got red text! It
> would
> seem that there are also some pre-defined (English only?) colours.
> Bold, italic, underline and strikeout all work as boolean values with
> Null
> and zero equating to False and (as far a I can see) any other value
> equating
> to True.
> Font family works ok with any recognised font family name. Any values
> that
> aren't recognised are ignored and the font family defined on the
> "Label
> settings" tab is used instead.
> To get buffering to work, it appears that "Buffer" has to be checked
> on the
> "Label settings" tab to get either normal or data defined buffering.
> The
> buffer size is shown in mm, although this doesn't relate to the map
> units
> used (metres in my case). As I zoom in and out, my labels (in map
> units)
> scale, but the buffer remains constant.
> Buffer colour uses the same format as font colour.
> I didn't try label distance and X & Y coordinates.
> Horizontal and vertical alignments are currently inactive.
> Rotation similarly is inactive. Unless I'm missing something, the
> only way
> that I can use the rotation attribute in my data is to go back to the
> old
> style.
> Andrew
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Andreas Neumann
Böschacherstrasse 10A
8624 Grüt (Gossau ZH)
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