[Qgis-user] extracting info form shape

Julio Cesar Canales DElgadillo cadj0506 at yahoo.com.mx
Fri May 13 06:26:34 PDT 2011

Hello there,

I have a points layer with the locations of several bird species, I have a shape file with the attributes of vegetation in my study area. I want to create a table using these two layers to know about the presence of the species on the different vegetation types, so I want to get something like: "species, lat, lon,vegetation". 
Is this possible with Qgis (1.6)? If yes, could somebody tell me how to do it?

Thanks a lot in advance.

Biól.MCF. Julio César Canales Delgadillo.


Barbarastr. 11

Fachbereich 5 Biologie/Chemie

Universität Osnabrück

49076 Osnabrück

Phone: +(49) 0541 969 3803

Mobil: +(49) 0152 043 87082

Alternative E-mail: julio.delgadillo at biologie.uni-osnabrueck.de
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