[Qgis-user] Re: WMS service problems

Mike Leahy mgleahy at alumni.uwaterloo.ca
Sun May 22 04:20:48 PDT 2011

Hello again,

I'd like to follow-up on this issue I've been having with the use of WMS services made available for the city of Toronto.  I'm still having a problem when I try to load layers from their WMS service directly within QGIS - the layers just appear blank (and do not have default extents that I can zoom to).  You can try it yourself by adding a WMS server in QGIS with the 'CONNECTION' url in the sample mapfile below, then try adding one or more layers from it...the layers will appear in the layer control in QGIS, but no data will appear in the map.  Using the sample mapfile below, I was able to use MapServer as a local proxy for the WMS service.  By connecting QGIS to the wms_onlineresource metadata parameter below, I am able to get the Ortho Imagery displayed from the Toronto WMS service.

Based on this, MapServer clearly doesn't have a problem requesting data from the Toronto WMS service.  QGIS in turn is able to use MapServer.  However, although this can serve as a workaround, it isn't an ideal solution.  Is anyone able to determine why QGIS is unable to properly interoperate directly with the Toronto WMS service?

Best regards,

	NAME "Toronto OrthoImagery (proxy)"

	SIZE 1024 1024
	EXTENT 292998.8237 4824999.2385 336000.8237 4858001.2385
	UNITS meters


	IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255

			'wms_title'           'Toronto OrthoImagery (proxy)'
			'wms_onlineresource'  'http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv?map=/path/to/wms.map&'
			'wms_srs'             'EPSG:2019'
			'ows_enable_request'  '*'

		NAME "Ortho Imagery 50cm 2005"
		CONNECTION "http://map.toronto.ca:80/servlet/com.esri.wms.Esrimap/OrthoImagery?"
			"wms_srs" "EPSG:2019"
			"wms_name" "Ortho Imagery 50cm 2005"
			"wms_server_version" "1.1.1"
			"wms_format" "image/png"
			"wms_title" "Ortho Imagery 50cm 2005"


On Thursday, May 19, 2011 12:38:02 PM Mike Leahy wrote:
> Hello List,
> Thanks to a recent post on slashgeo.org, I learned of some interesting data
> made accessible for the City of Toronto.  In particular, they list several
> WMS services inclucing Ortho Imagery.  You'll find them at the bottom of
> the list of the data catalogue (click the "Get Data" link at
> http://www.toronto.ca/open ).  I have been trying to load these data in
> Quantum GIS without any success...although I can get most non-imagery
> layers to load in ArcGIS.  I'd be wondering if anyone on this list is able
> to give the services a try, and if successful, perhaps explain what steps
> or settings I'm missing.
> When I add the layers in Quantum GIS, I just get the layer listed in the
> legend, but no data in the map - it also seems that Quantum GIS is unable
> to detect the layer's extents.  I tried downloading one of the shapefiles
> from the toronto.ca data catalogue, and used that as a reference to make
> sure the map is zoomed to the correct location and still no luck.  I
> contacted the address listed in relation to the data in the catalogue, and
> in the reply I received, there is mention of setting an option to
> "Override WMS GetMap Pixel Limits" to 1024x1024, but this relates
> specifically to options within MapInfo.  Is there something similar that
> would need to be done in Quantum GIS?
> Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
> Mike
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