[Qgis-user] No GetMap From QGIS Server

bernhard.stroebl at jena.de bernhard.stroebl at jena.de
Wed Nov 9 08:00:25 PST 2011

Dear All,

I set up QGIS-Server with apache2 on an OPENSuse-box (64bit)
I can:
1) send a GetMap-request from the browser and QGIS-Server returns a map 
(this works on the same machine and from a remote machine)
2) enter the server as WMS-server in QGIS-desktop. When I connect I get 
a list of available layers, so GetCapabilities works.

I cannot:
- retrieve a layer offered in 2) into QGIS-desktop. A new layer is 
entered to the list of layers but it is all white.

describes the same question (unanswered)

any hints or ideas?



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