[Qgis-user] 3 questions about QGIS on OsX

William Kyngesburye woklist at kyngchaos.com
Tue Nov 22 06:44:07 PST 2011

On Nov 22, 2011, at 2:45 AM, Giovanni Manghi wrote:

>>> How the simplest way to install python-rpy2 to allow use R based plugins?
>> I have the same problem.
> Hi Lolita, thanks for the tips.
> Can you check if the accepted answer here
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3687939/how-to-install-rpy2-on-mac-os-x
> works for you? I'm not near a Mac right now.
> Thanks
I suppose easy_install would work fine.  rpy2 has some compiled code, so unless easy_install can download pre-compiled modules (it's been a while since I used it last) you'd have to have Xcode installed.  Ignore the parts about PYTHONPATH (example there is not needed) and PATH.

But, I've been thinking about adding rpy2 to my collection of Python modules for download.  I just keep forgetting about it ;)  Give me a few days (or sooner) to get my brain together and make an installer...

William Kyngesburye <kyngchaos*at*kyngchaos*dot*com>

"Oh, look, I seem to have fallen down a deep, dark hole.  Now what does that remind me of?  Ah, yes - life."

- Marvin

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