[Qgis-user] Announcing the Rectangles ovals digitizing plugin

Pavol Kapusta pavol.kapusta at gmail.com
Fri Oct 21 10:58:21 PDT 2011


i would like to introduce you the new Rectangles ovals digitizing plugin.
This plugin is available in QGIS Contributed Repository and after 
installing creates three new objects in Digitizing toolbar: one 
multifunction button with digitizing tools, one button for rotation of 
rectangles or ovals and spinbox for changing of number of segments for 
ovals. There are 6 digitizing tools: "Rectangle by extent", "Rectangle 
from center", "Square from center", "Circle from center", "Ellipse by 
extent", "Ellipse from center". Plugin is active only when you are 
editing polygon layers. Tools, which have "from centre" in the name are 
able of snapping (after defining in Snapping Options tab of Settings) 
of the virtual center of feature.

  "Rotation tool" is functional after selection of (exactly) one 
rectangle or oval.

After digitizing of feature, there is Feature form with possibility of 
changing default attribute values.  You can deactivate this in Settings 
-> Options -> Digitizing tab -> "Suppress attributes pop-up windows 
after each created feature".  Option "Reuse last entered attribute 
values" is not supported.

I hope you will find this tools useful.


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