[Qgis-user] kml gpx shp conversion, keeping attribute

Micha Silver micha at arava.co.il
Sun Sep 18 11:17:49 PDT 2011

On Sun, 2011-09-18 at 16:23 +0200, Ale wrote:

> More information right now. The file *.kml is created from a Garmin
> Trainig Center, and recorded by a Garmin Device.
> Is probably the Garmin Software that it uses a particular .*kml format
> that includes, with a sintax for itself only, more information?

I see you problem now. QGIS uses OGR to read all the variety of vector
data formats. Indeed the "Placemark" tag in KML, AFAIK in not a "real"
attribute that OGR recognizes. It's a "Google thing" used to place the
pushpin symbol on a 3d map.
Here's a trick that might help you along: You can use the gpsbabel
utility to read a kml file and create an intermediate Comma Separated
text file. Then import that text file as a layer into QGIS, and it will
retain some of the attributes (altitude, name, description).  This will
work *only for a point* KML layer.
The gpsbabel command will look like:
gpsbabel -i kml -o unicsv -f <your_file.kml> -F your_output.csv 

Then in the Delimited Text File plugin choose the your_output.csv file,
check Comma as the delimiter, and make sure Longitude and Latitude are
selected for the X-Y columns, and you should get your layer into QGIS,
with a few more attrib columns. 

> thanks
> 2011/9/18 Ale <alessandro.nardin.it at gmail.com>
>         Hi all
>         First forgive my bad english...
>         This is my first message at this mailing list
>         I've a *.kml file with lat long alt and other
>         information...speed, time elapsed and so on:
>         ________________________________________________________________________
>         <Placemark>
>         < description><![CDATA[<b>9.13.56</b><br/><b> Time Elapsed:
>         </b>0:08:24<br/><b> Distance Elapsed: </b>2.4 km<br/><b>
>         Speed: </b>13 km/h<br/><b> Pace: </b>4:36 /km]]></description>
>         <TimeSpan>
>         <begin>2011-09-03T07:13:48Z</begin>
>         <end>2011-09-03T07:13:56Z</end>
>         </TimeSpan>
>         <styleUrl>#point</styleUrl>
>         <Point>
>         <coordinates>9.1840996686,45.8018461335,447.6309814453</coordinates>
>         </Point>
>         </Placemark>
>         ______________________________________________________________________
>         How I can import in Qgis Wroclaw placing other information in
>         the attributes chart?
>         I traslate it in *.gpx, the in *.shp, but I'm obtainig only
>         the coordinates, neither the altitude or something else
>         Triyng to cut-the-line on that *.shp file, Qgis brick....
>         any ideas? thanks!
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