[Qgis-user] Cannot add any GRD data

Goyo goyodiaz at gmail.com
Tue Sep 20 11:16:26 PDT 2011

2011/9/20, Roy Marsh <roymarsh11 at gmail.com>:
> OK, I downloaded datafiles with the GRD extension from the DIVA Web site
> (no, I have not installed Diva), which itself takes the fies from various
> sources.

These are DIVA-GIS grids. The GRD files QGIS can read are Golden
Software grids.  I'm not aware of any program that can read DIVA grids
but DIVA-GIS itself. Yoy can install it and export to another format
or get your data from the original source (SRTM data are available as
geotiffs from their website).

Regarding the file I linked, you can right-click the link and select
Save target as (the exact details depend on your web browser) or just
copy all text from the browser and paste it into notepad or any text
editor and add the .grd extension to the resulting file. But I don't
think it's relevant to your problem since it's a a Golden Software
ASCII GRID, not a DIVA grid.

You can install QGIS 1.8.0 (it's the development version) using the
OSGeo4W installer, see the QGIS download page for details. You can
have both the stable and development versions simultaneously, give a
try to the latest and greatest features and return to the stable
version if something goes wrong. But again this won't solve your


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