[Qgis-user] gpsd, howto?

Nicklas Avén nicklas.aven at jordogskog.no
Tue Apr 3 05:21:06 PDT 2012

Hallo everybody

I am trying to get the gps working with QGIS.

I am using bluetooth gps, one android phone with extGPS and one Holux
GPSlim 236

It is working (after some difficulties with file permissions) to connect
directly to the serial port /dev/rfcomm0. 

I can also start gpsd and use it through FoxtrotGPS or see the result
through gpsmon localhost:2947

But I have not succeeded to get the gpsd service as input to QGIS. I
have not seen any documetation and the gpsd support in QGIS is mentioned
very rarely on the net.

I have tried two different Ubuntu installations with QGIS master from
nightly repositories and locally compiled on the other. And also one
debian with locally compiled trunk.

I also have another strange problem. As I said I can  connect from QGIS
directly to the serial port, but on the version from the nightly
repository the long lat position seems fixed. The altitude is changing
as expected every second, but the long lat is a few hundred meters wrong
and totally fixed. I cannot understand where that wrong position can be
stored. I have restarted the computer used different gps. But on the
debian box it works as expected and the gps-cursor is traveling around a
small area as expected.


Nicklas Avén

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