[Qgis-user] Re: Printing

Giovanni Manghi giovanni.manghi at faunalia.pt
Tue Apr 3 14:07:55 PDT 2012


On Tue, 2012-04-03 at 13:34 -0700, Glen Ossman wrote:
> Hi List 
> I just starting using Qgis and i am having trouble printing 
> I am using a cell sector layer created in mapinfo and the google plugin for
> a street layer
>  everything lines up on the map but when i print to PDF all layer seem to go
> to a different scale.
>  any ideas? i am really starting to like Qgis it has many more features than
> mapinfo, but i have to be able to print & plot maps

this happens because the layers from the Openlayers Plugin are not
available at every scale, but only at certain scale levels (so when you
add such layers all the project is available only at preset scales).

In the composer you then need to manually set the scale of the map
object to be one of those scale levels, otherwise you'll get the
described issue.


-- Giovanni --

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