[Qgis-user] Re: Qgis-user Digest, Vol 74, Issue 31
Latchman Anand
ablatchman at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 6 00:03:40 PDT 2012
I am new with quantum . Please advice me how can i get create new postgres connection information and username and password
From: "qgis-user-request at lists.osgeo.org" <qgis-user-request at lists.osgeo.org>
To: qgis-user at lists.osgeo.org
Sent: Friday, April 6, 2012 12:13 AM
Subject: Qgis-user Digest, Vol 74, Issue 31
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Today's Topics:
1. sextante plugin for Mac (Manuel Sp?nola)
2. Re: sextante plugin for Mac (Alexander Bruy)
3. Re: sextante plugin for Mac (Manuel Sp?nola)
4. AUTO : Daniel Gnerre est absent(e) (retour 16.04.2012)
(Daniel.Gnerre at vevey.ch)
5. about some ellipso?dal distances (blavet)
Message: 1
Date: Thu, 5 Apr 2012 11:59:27 -0600
From: Manuel Sp?nola <mspinola10 at gmail.com>
Subject: [Qgis-user] sextante plugin for Mac
To: qgis-user <qgis-user at lists.osgeo.org>
<CABkCotR8yv73YY4Nex5HDTNyoxokyCaCHUFuuBF6V5dfTbrFMw at mail.gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
Dear list members,
I am using QGIS 1.7.4. on Mac but I cannot see the plugin Sextante. Is
there any specific way to download the plugin?
*Manuel Spínola, Ph.D.*
Instituto Internacional en Conservación y Manejo de Vida Silvestre
Universidad Nacional
Apartado 1350-3000
mspinola at una.ac.cr
mspinola10 at gmail.com
Teléfono: (506) 2277-3598
Fax: (506) 2237-7036
Personal website: Lobito de río <https://sites.google.com/site/lobitoderio/>
Institutional website: ICOMVIS <http://www.icomvis.una.ac.cr/>
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Message: 2
Date: Thu, 5 Apr 2012 21:14:29 +0300
From: Alexander Bruy <alexander.bruy at gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [Qgis-user] sextante plugin for Mac
To: Manuel Sp?nola <mspinola10 at gmail.com>
Cc: qgis-user <qgis-user at lists.osgeo.org>
<CALuHMPAY-8BkBNGbp9dhNE5pAqHuST73wOJgMrMysyA-yLD0LQ at mail.gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
just add new Official Plugin repo [0] to your Plugin installer
and enable exparimantal plugins
[0] http://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/plugins.xml
2012/4/5 Manuel SpÃnola <mspinola10 at gmail.com>:
> Dear list members,
> I am using QGIS 1.7.4. on Mac but I cannot see the plugin Sextante. Â Is
> there any specific way to download the plugin?
Alexander Bruy
Message: 3
Date: Thu, 5 Apr 2012 13:58:55 -0600
From: Manuel Sp?nola <mspinola10 at gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [Qgis-user] sextante plugin for Mac
To: Alexander Bruy <alexander.bruy at gmail.com>
Cc: qgis-user <qgis-user at lists.osgeo.org>
<CABkCotTFvb_--W_U0iy=+Qh+tFTskQjFM4T0qePsOoOdF9AHgA at mail.gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
Thank you very much Alexander. It works.
2012/4/5 Alexander Bruy <alexander.bruy at gmail.com>
> Hi,
> just add new Official Plugin repo [0] to your Plugin installer
> and enable exparimantal plugins
> [0] http://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/plugins.xml
> 2012/4/5 Manuel Spínola <mspinola10 at gmail.com>:
> > Dear list members,
> >
> > I am using QGIS 1.7.4. on Mac but I cannot see the plugin Sextante. Is
> > there any specific way to download the plugin?
> --
> Alexander Bruy
*Manuel Spínola, Ph.D.*
Instituto Internacional en Conservación y Manejo de Vida Silvestre
Universidad Nacional
Apartado 1350-3000
mspinola at una.ac.cr
mspinola10 at gmail.com
Teléfono: (506) 2277-3598
Fax: (506) 2237-7036
Personal website: Lobito de río <https://sites.google.com/site/lobitoderio/>
Institutional website: ICOMVIS <http://www.icomvis.una.ac.cr/>
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Message: 4
Date: Thu, 5 Apr 2012 22:09:57 +0200
From: Daniel.Gnerre at vevey.ch
Subject: [Qgis-user] AUTO : Daniel Gnerre est absent(e) (retour
To: qgis-user at lists.osgeo.org
<OF5B1D5901.F68414A5-ONC12579D7.006EC635-C12579D7.006EC634 at vevey.ch>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Je suis absent(e) du bureau jusqu'au 16.04.2012
Je suis actuellement absent et serai de retour le lundi 16 avril. Je
traiterai votre message à mon retour. Votre message n'a pas été dévié.
Daniel Gnerre
Remarque : ceci est une réponse automatique à votre message "Qgis-user
Digest, Vol 74, Issue 30" envoyé le 05.04.2012 18:00:28.
C'est la seule notification que vous recevrez pendant l'absence de cette
Message: 5
Date: Fri, 06 Apr 2012 01:12:25 +0200
From: blavet <didier.blavet at ird.fr>
Subject: [Qgis-user] about some ellipso?dal distances
To: qgis-user at lists.osgeo.org
Message-ID: <4F7E26D9.8000003 at ird.fr>
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