[Qgis-user] Measuring distance between points in vector layer

Harald Hofmann harald.hofmann at monash.edu
Tue Apr 17 04:59:42 PDT 2012

Hi Micha,
you are a champ. Thanks heaps that works really well.
I had a few issues with v.in.lines as there was a line created after the 
protocol but it wasn't. I think the file wasn't read properly.
It worked when I used the command with the in=- option and copying the x 
y coordinates in the Terminal.
Thanks again.


On 17/04/12 21:42 , Micha Silver wrote:
> On 04/17/2012 02:13 PM, G. Allegri wrote:
>>     Now run v.distance as:
>>     v.distance from=gps_point to=river_line upload=to_along
>>     column=along out=connectors
>>     # The output parameter hold the line segments connecting each
>>     point to the river_line. It's required by the module to run, by
>>     has no significance for you.
>> I have never tested the to_along upload type, but what is considered 
>> the "to" nearest point in this case? I mean, you will have the 
>> original points located on the endpoints of the line, isn't the 
>> nearest point the endpoint itself?
> IIUC, v.distance finds the distance along the line from each point to 
> the *vertex* on the line closest to that point.
> But in this particular case, since we're creating the line from the 
> same input points, the line vertices and the points are all the same, 
> so I think it shouldn't matter. The distance from the points to the 
> nearest vertex will always be 0, and 'to_along' should give the 
> distance along the line to that vertex=point.
> If I'm wrong, someone on the list with more experience will jump up...
>> giovanni
>>     Cheers,
>>     Micha
>>>     Help would be really appreciated. And I am sorry if that has
>>>     been asked before but I couldn't find a thread dealing with that.
>>>     Best regards,
>>>     Harald
>>     -- 
>>     Micha Silver
>>     052-3665918
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Harald Hofmann
Research Fellow PhD - Hydrogeology
School of Geosciences
Monash University
Wellington Road
Clayton, Victoria 3800

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