[Qgis-user] qgis on linuxmint?

Lee Hachadoorian Lee.Hachadoorian+L at gmail.com
Sat Apr 28 15:13:46 PDT 2012


I suppose it depends on what you don't like about Ubuntu. I also use 10.04,
and am planning on upgrading to 12.04 but keeping the GNOME desktop
environment. But if you're looking to get away from Ubuntu, what about the
OSGeo-Live distro? It's based on Xubuntu and comes pre-loaded with QGIS and
a bunch of other GIS software, as well as other goodies like R. I've used
it occasionally to test some of the applications that aren't in the regular
Ubuntu repos.


On Sat, Apr 28, 2012 at 3:54 PM, Werner Macho <werner.macho at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Hi Agus!
> I am using LMDE (Linux Mint Debian Edition) since more than a year now
> and I am very satisfied with it.
> Before I used Gentoo Linux (which also worked fine) but Gentoo was too
> much compiling time for me .. So I decided to switch back to something I
> use on servers since a long long time .. Good old debian .. But as plain
> debian is on one side rock solid - the other side is .. you always are a
> bit outdated .. Thats the reason why I choose the rolling release LMDE
> based on debian testing ..
> I never had a real problem using it and can recommend it for everything
> you want to do..
> So on your side - if you want to switch away from ubuntu .. don't take
> linuxmint - it is based on ubuntu anyway (ok they try to not use unity -
> but the base is still the same).. just take LMDE .. debian, stable, with
> newer software from mint..
> (I don't want to start a distribution flamewar here - it's just that I
> am really satisfied with it)
> just my 2ยข
> kind regards
> Werner
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