[Qgis-user] QGIS on Mint - my experience

xavi at tarbz2.net xavi at tarbz2.net
Sun Apr 29 00:43:01 PDT 2012

Hi Agus,

I'm working with Fedora 16 64 bits. I use Cinnamon, a 'usable for human
beings' fork of Gnome 3, and it works fine for me. Fedora comes with 1.7.4
Wrocklaw version of QGIS.



> Hi Agus,
> Past year I used the Ubuntu based version of Linux Mint, with Gnome, and
> QGIS worked just fine with it. The package is included in the
> repositories,
> but the default version is a bit outdated (version 1.4, I think). But to
> get a more recent version, you need just add the repositories indicated
> for
> the correspondent version of Ubuntu, in the project page.
> As I prefer KDE to Gnome, later I changed to OpenSUSE, but then had
> problems installing QGIS. Today I'm using Kubuntu 11.10.
> Regards,
> Kerick
>> Message: 6
>> Date: Sat, 28 Apr 2012 20:56:38 +0200
>> From: Agustin Lobo <alobolistas at gmail.com>
>> Subject: [Qgis-user] qgis on linuxmint?
>> To: qgis-user <qgis-user at lists.osgeo.org>,      qgis-developer
>>        <qgis-developer at lists.osgeo.org>
>> Message-ID:
>>        <CAG4NReL-3xESrVziT48BBhVV7z1rgyUC4sMEStUY85oZ_iArKQ at mail.gmail.com
>> >
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
>> Hi!
>> Having been an ubuntu user for a long time, I do not like ubuntu
>> versions > 10.04 LTS, even after introducing the necessary tweaks to
>> get something similar to the classic gnome. I feel ubuntu is heading
>> towards simple
>> desktops for office users, not convenient for technical and scientific
>> work. Perhaps it's time to change
>> to another linux distribution.
>> I would like to know if anybody has experience on installing qgis et
>> al (grass, gdal, otb, saga, sextante...)
>> on linuxmint, i.e. would the very useful ubuntugis repo be appropriate.
>> Also, perhaps some exchange of opinions among linux users of qgis
>> could make most of us converge
>> towards the same distribution (i.e., perhaps linuxmint is not the
>> right choice, debian, scientific linux, or just
>> remaining in ubuntu would be better), which would be very convenient.
>> Thanks for your inputs,
>> Agus
>> ------------------------------
>> Message: 8
>> Date: Sat, 28 Apr 2012 21:54:12 +0200
>> From: Werner Macho <werner.macho at gmail.com>
>> Subject: Re: [Qgis-user] qgis on linuxmint?
>> To: qgis-user at lists.osgeo.org
>> Message-ID: <4F9C4AE4.407 at gmail.com>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Hi Agus!
>> I am using LMDE (Linux Mint Debian Edition) since more than a year now
>> and I am very satisfied with it.
>> Before I used Gentoo Linux (which also worked fine) but Gentoo was too
>> much compiling time for me .. So I decided to switch back to something I
>> use on servers since a long long time .. Good old debian .. But as plain
>> debian is on one side rock solid - the other side is .. you always are a
>> bit outdated .. Thats the reason why I choose the rolling release LMDE
>> based on debian testing ..
>> I never had a real problem using it and can recommend it for everything
>> you want to do..
>> So on your side - if you want to switch away from ubuntu .. don't take
>> linuxmint - it is based on ubuntu anyway (ok they try to not use unity -
>> but the base is still the same).. just take LMDE .. debian, stable, with
>> newer software from mint..
>> (I don't want to start a distribution flamewar here - it's just that I
>> am really satisfied with it)
>> just my 2ยข
>> kind regards
>> Werner
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