[Qgis-user] failled installation of Profilefromline extension

Andre Joost andre+joost at nurfuerspam.de
Fri Aug 3 21:56:35 PDT 2012

Am 03.08.2012 12:29, schrieb Marion Delisle:
> Hi everyone,
> I am trying to use ProfilefromLine extension with windows 7.
> Initially, i managed to install the extension but shapely 1.2 and geos 3.2
> was missing on my computer so i couldn't use it.
> I am a Qgis novice and i don't know Python. I have been looking for help on
> forums to install shapely, i managed but profilefromline was still asking
> for shapely and geos. Still following forum advise, i copy/paste de shapely
> and geos.dll from the global Python to the Qgis "service packages".
> Now, Qgis is enable to start the extension, telling that extension is
> corrupted and giving the python error 126.
> Does anyone has a solution... ?

I'm afraid, not.
I tested on Windows 7 and XP with Qgis 1.8.0, standalone and OSGeo4W 
OSGeo4W says shapely and geos have the needed version, and the 
standalone installer has them also in the appropriate subfolder (maybe 
from some other installation I did previously).

The plugin gets installed and loads without error, but remains greyed 
out in menu and Icons. Only way to get it working is to load raster and 
vector file, and then reinstalling the plugin. But next time I start 
qgis its greyed out again.
Using the plugin gives a strange result: only a layer with one single 
point named temporarily. tested with SRTM hgt raster and 
self-georeferenced geotiff.

I think the plugin isn't compatible with current Qgis version 1.8.0 and 
needs some care by the author. At least for the Windows platform.

André Joost

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