[Qgis-user] call grass modules via qgis python console

maning sambale emmanuel.sambale at gmail.com
Sat Aug 11 21:38:39 PDT 2012

Dear Victor,

thanks for confirming this.

Maning Sambale
On Aug 11, 2012 4:39 PM, "Victor Olaya" <volayaf at gmail.com> wrote:

> 2012/8/11 maning sambale <emmanuel.sambale at gmail.com>:
> > Thanks Victor and Richard. I tried this already also very powerful. Is
> there
> > a way for sextante to read/write directly to the grass database instead
> of
> > creating a temp grass db and output as tif?
> No :-(
> The idea is that you use GRASS to get results to be used within QGIS,
> so the final format is one that QGIS (and other elements within QGIS,
> like other SEXTANTE algorithms) can understand
> Regards
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