[Qgis-user] Vector/Raster Projection Problem
Terry Morse
tmorse at teleport.com
Thu Aug 16 16:38:57 PDT 2012
As Andre suggested, I installed OpenLayers and opened my problem layers: counties
(vector) and a mosaicked GMTED (raster); over a Google hybrid map, with th projection set
to EPSG 3857. The GMTED layer superimposed properly over the Google image and the
counties layer did not. Saving the counties layer with the pseudomercator projection led to
it overlaying properly as well.
Thank you Andre, and everyone else who who assisted.
On 16 Aug 2012 at 11:09, Andre Joost wrote:
> Am 16.08.12 08:13, schrieb Terry Morse:
> > Thank you for the suggestion, Andre.
> >
> > I tried to install Openlayers using the plug-in installer, but it appears not to be in the official
> > plug-in repository.
> Yes, it is only in the authors repository:
> http://build.sourcepole.ch/qgis/plugins.xml
> You can add this to the list of your repositories
> Python-plugin Installation, second tab, Add...
> Or take the zip directly from the page and expand it to your
> C:\Documents&Settings/<username>/.qgis/python/plugins folder.
> If you haven't done that before, I would suggest the first method.
> Greetings,
> André Joost
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Terry Morse
935 SW 10th St. #6
Newport, OR 97365
Phone: 541-265-8434
e-mail: tmorse at teleport.com
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