[Qgis-user] Cannot add sqlite/spatialite layers to qgis (they come in as tables)

Donovan Cameron sault.don at gmail.com
Sun Dec 9 10:54:33 PST 2012

Not sure if it's helpful, but here is a list of installed spatialite/sqlite
I noticed there is two packages called libspatialite2 and sqlite2, are
those causing conflicts or something?
It looks like libspatialite2 is a (System Package) meaning it was installed
during initial OS installation from the openSUSE DVD...

Were those two suppose to be gone when libspatialite5 and sqlite3 were

saultdon at opensuse.linux:~> zypper se -si sqlite spatialite
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...

S | Name                    | Type    | Version        | Arch   |
i | libqt4-sql-sqlite       | package | 4.8.1-2.4.1    | x86_64 |
i | libqt4-sql-sqlite-32bit | package | 4.8.1-2.4.1    | x86_64 |
i | libspatialite2          | package | 3.0.1-9.1      | x86_64 | (System
i | libspatialite5          | package | 4.0.0-1.1      | x86_64 |
i | libsqlite3-0            | package | | x86_64 |
i | libsqlite3-0-32bit      | package | | x86_64 |
i | perl-DBD-SQLite         | package | 1.35-3.1.2     | x86_64 |
i | php5-sqlite             | package | 5.3.15-1.12.1  | x86_64 |
i | spatialite-gis          | package | 1.0.0c-1.2     | x86_64 |
i | spatialite-gui          | package | 1.6.0-1.1      | x86_64 |
i | spatialite-tools        | package | 4.0.0-1.1      | x86_64 |
i | sqlite2                 | package | 2.8.17-183.1.2 | x86_64 |
i | sqlite3                 | package | | x86_64 |
i | sqlite3-devel           | package | | x86_64 |

On Sun, Dec 9, 2012 at 11:40 AM, Donovan Cameron <sault.don at gmail.com>wrote:

> I created a sqlite/spatialite db from the spatialite_gui and started to
> import a bunch of shapefiles.
> Some of the things I set were the CRS to EPSG:3005 "BC Albers" and
> the_geom as the name for the geometry field (type is set to auto...)
> Then in spatialite_gui I expanded each new table and built a spatial
> index. I can also right click each the_geom table and see a valid "Map
> Preview".
> But I can't open or load this .sqlite files into either spatialite_gis or
> qgis.
> So I think this could be a problem with my actual OS (openSUSE 12.2 x64 w/
> KDE).
> QGIS loads the layers as tables, not vectors.
> spatialite_gis thrown an error:
> Missing or invalid Spatial Metadata tables:
> - spatial_ref_sys
> - geometry_columns
> Sorry, cowardly quitting ...
> But those tables are in the .sqlite db under the "Metadata" portion.
> From the layer menu in QGIS, I can't create a layer in a sqlite db. It
> says that my layer is invalid and can't be created. Then I can't even see
> this sqlite database (that got created successfully, it's just the layer
> that failed creation) when navigating from the add vector window. But I can
> see it when trying to load from spatialite_gis but that throws the same
> error.
> I noticed in the DB Manager plugin, it says that pyspatialite is missing
> and that package isn't available for openSUSE in the open build service,
> unless it goes by a different name...
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