[Qgis-user] Cannot add sqlite/spatialite layers to qgis (they come in as tables)

Andre Joost andre+joost at nurfuerspam.de
Sun Dec 9 12:19:47 PST 2012

Am 09.12.2012 20:16, schrieb Alex Mandel:
> The plugin requires pyspatialite but QGIS itself has the provider built in.
> "SpatiaLite version ..: 4.0.0"
> Grab an older version of the Spatialite GUI (1.4 or 1.5) or figure out
> how to convert your db to the 3.x variant (I believe the release notes
> mention this is possible).

There is a spatialite_convert tool that converts 3.x databases to 4.x 
and back. See

I usually create sqlite databases with Layer->Create new spatialite 
layer, and entering a new filename. The gui can read 3.x and 4.x 
databases wkithout problem.

André Joost

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