[Qgis-user] Opening QGIS more than one time on OSX

Percy Langa percylanga at gmail.com
Tue Dec 18 01:45:11 PST 2012

On 2012/12/18 10:18 AM, Andreas Neumann wrote:
> I came across 
> http://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/25275/how-to-open-two-projects-at-once-in-one-qgis-window 
> - suggesting to start it again from the command line with "open -n 
> /Applications/QGIS.app/" - however, since many OSX users do not know 
> about the command line - is there a more user friendly trick to open 
> QGIS a second or third time? 

This a neat trick. Thank you.

I'll look into into the 'user-friendly trick' (desktop shortcut) and 
report back.

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