[Qgis-user] QGIS and WMS

Jonathan Moules jonathanmoules at warwickshire.gov.uk
Thu Dec 27 04:28:17 PST 2012

  I've set up a GeoServer WMS on a networked server that my local QGIS
(1.8.0) is able to access.

I've noticed two issues:

(a) When making a request "Getting map via WMS"; QGIS locks up and uses
100% of a CPU core. But at this point shouldn't it not be doing anything
apart from waiting? Its only when the map is downloaded that QGIS becomes
responsive and CPU usage drops to nothing again.

(b) I use the mouse wheel to zoom in or out. I zoom muliple levels at once.
The problem is, QGIS seems to request every single intermediate level
between my starting and ending point even though once it has been
downloaded ("x of x bytes of map downloaded") it immediately starts
downloading the next and doesn't actually show the just-downloaded map.
Combined with (a) above this makes zooming using this method take a long

Are these bugs I should be reporting on the tracker or designed behaviour?

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