[Qgis-user] Can I open NetCDF files with QGIS?

Etienne Tourigny etourigny.dev at gmail.com
Wed Feb 8 11:55:20 PST 2012

QGis can open a netcdf file which has only 1 variable (along with
supporting lat/lon or X/Y dimension variables).
Perhaps that is what works for you?


On Wed, Feb 8, 2012 at 5:42 PM, Yves Jacolin (free) <yjacolin at free.fr> wrote:
> Hello,
> I successfully did it. But my email won't help you as I don't know why. I
> guess my gdal binaries from my company has something specific.
> Y.
> Le mercredi 8 février 2012 19:59:06, Etienne Tourigny a écrit :
>> It seems that QGis does not support GDAL raster "subdatasets", I get
>> this with netcdf and hdf4  files.
>> Try this:
>> gdal_translate -of vrt NETCDF:"Glb_20111001.nc":cf_DangerRisk
>> danger_risk.vrt qgis danger_risk.vrt
>> For more information on subdatasets see the GDAL netcdf driver page:
>> http://www.gdal.org/frmt_netcdf.html
>> It's a pity this doesn't work directly in QGis - anybody know if this
>> could be fixed/implemented?
>> It would be great to support subdatasets by adding a layer for each
>> subdataset, and perhaps even better with a dialog for selecting a
>> particular subdataset.
>> Regards,
>> Etienne
>> On Wed, Feb 8, 2012 at 3:51 PM, Paolo Corti <pcorti at gmail.com> wrote:
>> > Hi
>> > sorry if this has been discussed before, but according to what I see
>> > here [1] there was not an answer.
>> >
>> > I need to open a NetCDF file with QGIS.
>> > I am using QGIS 1.7.2, and GDAL 1.9.0.
>> > I can successfully manage NetCDF files with GDAL:
>> >
>> > $ gdalinfo --formats
>> > Supported Formats:
>> >  ...
>> >  netCDF (rw+): Network Common Data Format
>> >  ...
>> >
>> > $ gdalinfo Glb_20111001.nc
>> > Driver: netCDF/Network Common Data Format
>> > Files: Glb_20111001.nc
>> > Size is 512, 512
>> > Coordinate System is `'
>> > Metadata:
>> >  NC_GLOBAL#CDI=Climate Data Interface version 1.4.3
>> >  NC_GLOBAL#CDO=Climate Data Operators version 1.4.3
>> > (http://www.mpimet.mpg.de/cdo)
>> >  NC_GLOBAL#Conventions=CF-1.0
>> >  NC_GLOBAL#history=Wed Oct 12 23:30:47 2011: cdo -s -f nc merge
>> > af01_20111001.nc af02_20111001.nc pf01_20111001.nc pf02_20111001.nc
>> > pf03_20111001.nc pf04_20111001.nc pf05_20111001.nc pf06_20111001.nc
>> > pf07_20111001.nc pf08_20111001.nc pf09_20111001.nc pf10_20111001.nc
>> > pf11_20111001.nc pf12_20111001.nc pf13_20111001.nc pf14_20111001.nc
>> > pf15_20111001.nc pf16_20111001.nc pf17_20111001.nc pf18_20111001.nc
>> > pf19_20111001.nc pf20_20111001.nc pf21_20111001.nc pf22_20111001.nc
>> > pf23_20111001.nc pf24_20111001.nc pf25_20111001.nc pf26_20111001.nc
>> > pf27_20111001.nc pf28_20111001.nc pf29_20111001.nc pf30_20111001.nc
>> > pf31_20111001.nc pf32_20111001.nc pf33_20111001.nc pf34_20111001.nc
>> > pf35_20111001.nc pf36_20111001.nc pf37_20111001.nc pf38_20111001.nc
>> > pf39_20111001.nc pf40_20111001.nc pf41_20111001.nc pf42_20111001.nc
>> > pf43_20111001.nc pf44_20111001.nc pf45_20111001.nc pf46_20111001.nc
>> > pf47_20111001.nc pf48_20111001.nc pf49_20111001.nc pf50_20111001.nc
>> > Glb_20111001.nc
>> > Wed Oct 12 23:30:39 2011: cdo -s -f nc merge
>> > pf50_20111001_DangerRisk.nc pf50_20111001_FWI.nc pf50_20111001.nc
>> > Wed Oct 12 23:30:37 2011: cdo -s -f nc mergetime
>> > pf50_20111001_20111001_FWI.nc pf50_20111001_20111002_FWI.nc
>> > pf50_20111001_20111003_FWI.nc pf50_20111001_20111004_FWI.nc
>> > pf50_20111001_20111005_FWI.nc pf50_20111001_20111006_FWI.nc
>> > pf50_20111001_20111007_FWI.nc pf50_20111001_20111008_FWI.nc
>> > pf50_20111001_20111009_FWI.nc pf50_20111001_20111010_FWI.nc
>> > pf50_20111001_FWI.nc
>> > Wed Oct 12 23:30:36 2011: cdo -s -f nc -R chname,var228,pf50_FWI -copy
>> > Work0/20111001_fwi/pf50/20111001_20111010_FWI.grib
>> > pf50_20111001_20111010_FWI.nc
>> >  NC_GLOBAL#institution=European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts
>> > Subdatasets:
>> >  SUBDATASET_1_NAME=NETCDF:"Glb_20111001.nc":cf_DangerRisk
>> >  SUBDATASET_1_DESC=[10x640x1280] cf_DangerRisk (32-bit floating-point)
>> >  SUBDATASET_2_NAME=NETCDF:"Glb_20111001.nc":cf_FWI
>> >  SUBDATASET_2_DESC=[10x640x1280] cf_FWI (32-bit floating-point)
>> >  ...
>> > [cut]
>> >
>> > When I try to open this dataset with QGIS, this is what I get:
>> > Cannot get GDAL raster band.
>> >
>> > In the console this is what has been logged:
>> >
>> > Warning: QgsRasterLayer::setDataProvider: Data provider is invalid.
>> > ERROR 10: Pointer 'hObject' is NULL in 'GDALGetMetadata'.
>> >
>> > Any ideas? Should I open a ticket?
>> > thanks
>> > P
>> >
>> > [1] http://www.osgeo.org/pipermail/qgis-user/2011-July/012949.html
>> >
>> > --
>> > Paolo Corti
>> > Geospatial software developer
>> > web: http://www.paolocorti.net
>> > twitter: @capooti
>> > skype: capooti
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> --
> Yves Jacolin

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