[Qgis-user] Convert ASCII UK Wind Speed to Raster

uk52rob uk52rob at yahoo.co.uk
Thu Feb 9 05:09:39 PST 2012

Thanks Micha, I will give it a go.




From: Micha Silver [mailto:micha at arava.co.il] 
Sent: 02 February 2012 11:52
To: uk52rob
Cc: qgis-user at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: Re: [Qgis-user] Convert ASCII UK Wind Speed to Raster


On 02/02/2012 01:08 PM, uk52rob wrote: 

Hi all,


I have been looking into converting the old BERR wind database for a while,
but have never had any success. Has anyone tried to convert this data to a
raster image using QGIS?


If you're willing to use the GRASS plugin, it's not very hard.

First you need to reformat the files a bit. They are setup with 100 speed
estimates, using semicolons as separators as follows

( X, Y );  speed1;  speed2;  speed3; ... ;  speed100

Using a text editor program (vim or anything with a good Search/Replace
function), I threw out both of the parentheses. THen I replaced the commas
with semcolons, and I removed all the spaces. So I ended up with a file with
102 columns, separated by ';'


Now I ran the GRASS  module:

v.in.ascii in=Speed10.asc out=speed10 fs=';'

This gives me a point vector with 100 speed values in 100 columns for each
point location. Now you have to decide what to do with the values, in order
to interpolate a raster. Do you want to average all values at each point? 

It might make more sense to bring the text file - after reformatting - into
a database program such as sqlite, or spreadsheet *before* importing into
GRASS to calculate additional columns of i.e. mean, max,min, etc. Then
import into GRASS with the above v.in.ascii.

The final step is run v.surf.idw or v.surf.rst to get your raster based on
one of those aggregate columns.







I have come across the following thread for ArcGIS, but not sure how this
would work in QGIS.







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