[Qgis-user] QGIS and Computer Security (Windows)

Richard Males rbmales at gmail.com
Sat Feb 18 08:08:55 PST 2012

I am interested in promoting the use of QGIS, but some users have
expressed concern about computer security issues, particularly in
respect to the use of plug-ins.  The concern is that a downloaded
plugin may contain malware, activate malicious code, etc.  I don't
know if there is any innate protection within QGIS or python against
bad behavior on the part of plugins, or if this is a "trust" issue.

I have searched online and in the forums for a discussion of this
issue.  I posted on the help forum, the responses were anecdotal in
nature (e.g., "I have been using QGIS for a few years, never had a
problem"), not technical.

I would very much appreciate any thoughts on if/how QGIS currently
deals with this, or references to documentation or postings on the

Thank you.

R. Males
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

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