[Qgis-user] how to save wms

Alex Mandel tech_dev at wildintellect.com
Sat Feb 25 16:38:38 PST 2012

On 02/25/2012 03:11 PM, Ing. Juan M. Bernales wrote:
> Hi all, i have a wms layer, the question is how can save it to my pc the courrent display?
> Because i’m editing osm files in JOSM, and then using OSM plugin in qgis importing/exporting that files, i´m using POTLATCH too, but in qgis i´m using http://gaia.inegi.org.mx/NLB/mdm5.wms with some layers
> Sorry i can not edit the osm attrib files with OSMplugin

On option is to use GDAL to make a local copy of the WMS at a given
scale for a particular area. I'm not sure but the Raster menu Translate
tool might be able to do it, otherwise you'll need to do it on the
command line.

I'm sure there are also some other methods, but this is the only one
I've done before.


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