[Qgis-user] wms getfeatureinfo?

Eugenio Trumpy frippe12573 at hotmail.com
Tue Feb 28 00:52:56 PST 2012

Hi to all,i'm using qgis compiled from source build-master 2cea349 vs 1.9.90-Alphaon debian wheeze, i have a question regarding  "add WMS" service.
In particular i add this WMS service:http://sgi1.isprambiente.it/ArcGIS/services/servizi/geologia25k/mapserver/WMSServer? 
this wms is served in WGS84, in this case i'm able to get features info,but if i reproject on the fly all project i loose the feature info,which is the problem? Is it a bug or a malfunction? or this skillis not implemented? 
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