[Qgis-user] Re: [Qgis-developer] Offset curve tool

Denis Rouzaud denis.rouzaud at gmail.com
Wed Feb 29 06:28:49 PST 2012

Hi again,

As there are three settings for this tool in the digitizing tab, I 
suggest to have a distinct category: just write Curve offset as a title 
and indent the 3 settings, as this is for the rest of the tab. What do 
you think?

There is a small typo: Mitre in the combobox and Miter in the label.

It's also non evident to understand what these settings do.



On 02/29/2012 11:11 AM, Marco Hugentobler wrote:
> Hi all
> There is a new editing tool in the master branch.
> The offset curve tool creates parallel shifts of linestrings and 
> polygon rings ( single sided buffers with the geos function 
> GEOSSingleSidedBuffer ). The tool can be applied to the edited layer 
> (the geometries are modified) or also to background layers (creates 
> copies of the lines / rings and adds it to the the edited layer). It 
> is thus ideally suited for the creation of distance line layers.
> Let me know about issues, suggestions, comments.
> The work was kindly funded by the city of Uster (Switzerland).
> Regards,
> Marco

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