[Qgis-user] some questions on Atlas plugin

G. Allegri giohappy at gmail.com
Wed Jul 4 00:40:41 PDT 2012

I'm testing Atlas plugin to generate PDFs for various tiling layouts and
sizes (from A0 to A2).
I have two questions.

the A0 PDF output cannot be read by Acrobat. Foxit Reader can open some of
them, but suffer a lot. Is it something related to old issues with A0
printing, like http://hub.qgis.org/issues/4821?

The tile in this picture [1] perfectly fits an A0 at 1:100000 scale. The
original layout was in ArcGIS. I'm trying to reproduce it in QGis composer
and Atlas plugin gives already a good help in it. Looking into the code I
see that it adjusts the extents of the composer Map item to the bbox of the
coverage polygon. This means that the result map in the composer can be
narrower or wider then the coverage exact extent, depending on the
dimension of the Map item, ok? See the result in [2].
What I would need is to scale the Map item to fit the bbox AND a fixed
scale. It could be scale from the center where it is positioned, changing
height and width.
What do you suggest to achieve this? Do you see a "manual" way of doing
that, or coding it into to the plugin is unavoidable?


[1] http://giovanniallegri.it/share/A0_tile.png
[2] http://giovanniallegri.it/share/A0_0.pdf
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